The Foods for Health Institute hosts and organizes a range of events covering important aspects of nutrition and health.
Symposiums, colloquia, and other events are often planned in partnership with other UC Davis campus units, visiting scholars, or external collaborators. Browse below for a sampling of recent events.
Coffee Center Research Conference
On March 11, 2014 the UC Davis Coffee Center hosted a one day conference to catalyze university and coffee industry partnerships. The conference goals are to examine the synergies between university research and every step in the coffee pipeline, from the genetics of coffee plants to the energy efficiency of roasting beans, from the health impacts of coffee consumption to the ingredient opportunities of coffee byproducts.
Phenotyping Conference
On June 8 and 9, 2012, the Foods for Health Institute, along with the USDA ARS Western Human Nutrition Research Center, planned the "Measuring response to food: phenotyping tools and targets" conference featuring world-renowned speakers in the areas of Phenotyping Metabolic Health, Phenotyping Inflammatory Health, Image-Based Phenotyping, Phenotyping Microbiota, Nutritional and Sensory Phenotyping, and Linking Phenotyping to Dietary Guidelines.
Obesity and Inflammation Workshop
The Foods for Health Institute jointly with the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Clinical and Translational Science Center, and the Western Human Nutrition Research Center hosted a translational innovation forum to discuss the topic of obesity, inflammation, and cancer.
Symposium on Food and Cancer Research
The 2012 18th Annual Cancer Research Symposium convened a session to educate the cancer research community about the emerging field of microbiome research and its potential implications for cancer patients, who routinely experience dysbiosis as a consequence of therapy and immune compromises.