FFHI Researchers Receive Highly-Competitive R.I.S.E. Award


Foods for Health Institute researchers have been awarded one of the highly-competitive Research Investments in the Sciences and Engineering (RISE) awards from the UC Davis Office of Research.

The theme leader on the RISE grant, titled “Protecting the Fragile Intestine: Integrating Microbiota and Mucosal Health,” is Dr. Satya Dandekar, professor and chair of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology at UC Davis with a joint appointment in the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine.

The RISE grants were awarded following a rigorous review process and consultation with the Provost and the Chair of the Academic Senate. The Office of Research reports that the proposals selected for funding represent the finest interdisciplinary concepts generated by UC Davis faculty for this competition. In total, $10 million will be awarded to twelve highly innovative interdisciplinary RISE themes over a three year period.

The winning team of the “Protecting the Fragile Intestine” grant include FFHI-affiliated researchers Bruce German, Director of the Foods for Health Institute;  Mark Underwood, Pediatric Neonatology;  David Mills, Viticulture & Enology;  Ralph de Vere White, Comprehensive Cancer Center; Richard Pollard, Infectious Diseases; and Thomas Prindiville, Gastroenterology & Hepatology.