Who is conducting this study?
This study led by Jennifer Smilowitz, Ph.D., and colleagues at the UC Davis Foods for Health Institute, Food Science and Technology, Viticulture and Enology, and Chemistry departments is part of the Milk and Lactation research theme. This study has been reviewed and approved by the UC Davis Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects.
What is the purpose of this study?
This study is designed to collect frozen milk that is no longer needed to feed infants. Unneeded milk that was collected and frozen within the past year will be processed for the isolation of complex milk sugars and tested for their effect to enrich different beneficial strains of intestinal bacterial. Any amount of milk can be donated for this research.
Who can participate?
Healthy women who live in the Davis, Woodland and Dixon areas who gave birth to healthy term infants and collected and stored their breast milk in their freezers within the last year. Please click here for a detailed description of the study.
For more information please contact the Study Coordinator, Melissa Breck (888) 217-5355 or email at: ucdavis.ffhi.clinicalstudies@gmail.com.